Community Involvement
We believe giving back is a vital part of any business model. That is why, here at Rhino Roofing, we have multiple non-profits we work with year-round. We are passionate about each of their missions and are proud to make a difference locally and globally.
In NM we have sponsored youth in local, regional, and national rodeo competitions with the New Mexico Jr Rodeo Association, partnered with local elementary schools to help needy families through Christmas, worked with Make-A-Wish New Mexico to make dreams become a reality, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Mexico to give strength to those who need it. In conjunction with youth programs, we have partnered with Steelbridge Ministries to help combat homelessness and addiction in the community. On the global stage, we have worked with World Vision International to provide families, in places like Ethiopia, with lifesaving essentials, including clean water.
Below you can click on the logos of programs we are proud to support to learn more about all they do for the community.
"Everything we receive comes from the community. It's our responsibility as a business in New Mexico to give back to those that are in need. That's why we are in business. "
David Gibson, Rhino Roofing Owner
Word Vision
This organization focuses on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience the fullness of life. They help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places. We are proud to sponsor two children through World Vision and wanted to share their stories with you.
Eunice's story
Eunice lives with her parents and 2 sisters. Her parents struggle to provide for the family. Her father is unemployed and her mother is unemployed. Despite their efforts, it is difficult to meet the family's needs.
Eunice is growing up in a poor area in Uganda. The HIV and AIDS crisis has severely damaged the social fabric of the entire community, leaving many children without parents. Many families live in small mud brick homes with tin or thatched roofs. A typical diet consists of rice, millet, groundnuts, and vegetables. The climate is warm and the terrain is savanna grassland with tall trees.
She helps at home by being good. She likes to play. She is in satisfactory health.
Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Eunice and her community with improved access to clean water and healthcare services as well as training in nutrition, hygiene, and disease prevention. Your faithful support will also provide classrooms and desks for schools, and advocacy for children with disabilities, including wheelchairs and access to education. And through our partnership with local churches, children will learn about the surpassing love of Jesus Christ.
Timothy's story
Timothy lives with his parents and has no brothers or sisters. His parents struggle to provide for the family. His father is unemployed and his mother is unemployed. Despite their efforts, it is difficult to meet the family's needs.
Timothy is growing up in a poor rural area in Malawi. Families live in small homes made of mud and unburned bricks. The majority of the community makes a living by growing crops and raising livestock. A typical diet consists of a cornmeal dish, with beans and vegetables. This is an inland community with gently sloping terrain. Temperatures range from the mid-50s to the mid-80s.
Timothy is not in school at this time because the child is still too young. He helps at home by putting toys away. He likes to play outside. He is in satisfactory health.
Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Timothy and his community with learning materials, tutoring, and teacher training to improve the quality of education. Your faithful support will improve health through access to clean water, nutrition education, sanitation, and disease prevention. Farmers will learn about savings groups and will increase their access to markets and buyers. And our caring staff will reflect Christs' love to these children through their actions and lives.
Rhino Roofing x Steelbridge
"Hello, my name is Dave Gibson, owner of Rhino Roofing. Our company is dedicated to making a positive impact in the world, one roof at a time.
To achieve this goal, we actively partner with organizations that work tirelessly to uplift our
community. Did you know New Mexico leads the nation in alcohol-related deaths and ranks fifth for drug abuse?
Thankfully, Steelbridge Ministries, (formerly known as Albuquerque Rescue Mission), is a local organization that is addressing these issues head-on, offering lasting solutions and making a difference one person at a time."

Get Involved
Make a Wish
Muscular Dystrophy Association
There with Care
World Vision
American Lung Association in NM